Many of our readers reported that is restricting them from connecting to the Internet.

How does the msftconnecttest redirect error appear?

The msftconnecttest redirect error mainly occurs when you’re connecting your device with the Ethernet cable. On Wi-Fi and personal hotspots connections, you won’t experience these issues. But sometimes you can’t only rely on the wireless network and maybe you don’t even have that option so fixing this problem is imperative. However, this problem has two possible main causes:

Connection issues – When an application connects to the Internet, the system performs a test to choose the best network. If this fails, you can’t make the connection and you receive the error message HTTP/HTTPS configuration – The problem comes from the fact that there is no default application for the HTTP or HTTPS protocols which, in turn, produces this error; you will need to have a default browser for that Malware or virus infection – After an attacker changes your DNS settings, it prompts you to install a malware app disguised as a COVID-19 information software; do not install it

That being said, let’s see how we can fix the msftconnecttest redirect error once and for good.

How do I fix the msftconnecttest redirect error?

1. Reset the network

2. Disable the connection test

3. Change the HTTP/HTTPs configuration

4. Reset your browser

Is the msftconnecttest error caused by a virus?

If you get redirected to the website with the string Microsoft Connect Test, you are the victim of an attack. What happens is that instead of connecting to the Microsoft IP address which is legitimate, the malicious DNS server redirects you to another IP,, which is under the attacker’s control.   You will be prompted to get a fake app called Emergency – COVID-19 Informator or COVID-19 Inform. Useless to say, you should not do that. If you install the application you will not get any COVID-19 data but instead, your PC will be infected with the Oski information-stealing Trojan. SPONSORED This malware app will start stealing a lot of information from your browser including autofill information and login credentials about all your accounts and upload them on a server for the attacker.

What can I do to prevent the msftconnecttest attack?

First of all, by any circumstances, do not download and install the wrongdoer’s app. After you get redirected, stop everything and connect to your router. Once you’re in, you will need to change the DNS configuration that was changed by the attacker with the data provided by your ISP. Each router has a different way of DNS configuration so we can’t give you a straight solution for this problem. However, we can provide an example: Now, reboot or restart the PC to get the right configuration from your router. Also, change the router password and check and disable its remote administration if possible. If you downloaded and installed the app, perform a malware and virus scan and after you eliminate the threat, change all your passwords on your accounts. That’s it! We hope that our solutions helped you fix the msftconnecttest redirect error and now the problem is history. If you can’t use the network at all, here’s what to do to fix your Internet connection on Windows 10 and resume your browsing. For any suggestions or questions, don’t hesitate to use our comments section below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.