If you don’t know what Patch Tuesday is, then you better read up on how important it is. This new string of updates comes with a host of new features, mainly security ones. These include improvements to the mouse, keyboard and stylus security.
Why are mouse, keyboard and stylus security updates important?
Patches in general work to fix any vulnerabilities or exploitable bugs that may have been found with devices and features. As such, installing these new updates on your Windows PC will make it so that your mouse, keyboard, and stylus are safer and more secure. For example, in the case of mice and keyboards, attacks from MouseJack can allow an attacker to break into the peripherals connected to your computer. They can then connect their devices to it and send all the keyboard input they want. By doing this, they can get access to your personal files, passwords, usernames, and can even completely wipe your PC. If you too want to get the latest features that this round of Patch Tuesday is bringing, then you better be prepared accordingly. This is because, besides the above-mentioned features, the updates bring security updates to plenty of other Windows services as well, protecting you from all possible dangers. Are you happy with what the December Patch Tuesday updates bring? Let us know your opinion in the comment section below. Editor’s Note: If you want to know everything there is to know on Patch Tuesday, check out this in-depth guide.
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