It could be that for some users it was hard tracking the leak’s origin, since they discovered this information on different social media platforms such as Reddit, Mega, or Telegram. Even though the new OS hype is far from being over, Microsoft has officially confirmed Windows 11 through the DMCA complaint that they registered. To see what our readers thought about the newly-announced Windows 11 OS, don’t hesitate to have a look at our extensive Windows 11 survey results. The results were extracted from the answers provided by 6056 users who completed the survey entirely, which were located mostly in the US, but with very close numbers from the UK, India, Canada, and Australia. That being said, the survey was taken by people located in more than 152 countries around the world, so the sample size is varied enough to be considered objective.

Microsoft wants justice for the Windows 11 leak

Recently, Microsoft Japan has filed a Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) complaint against the Indian tech news publication Beebom. The charges for which Microsoft is pursuing legal action is that of distributing unreleased Windows 11 ISO files that were copyrighted to Microsoft. The Redmond tech giant also petitioned Google to remove Beebom’s article from the search results, because it of the same reasons. The Indian website we mentioned above is not the only target for Microsoft, as there were other web based third parties that facilitated this information leak. And although what the current version of Windows 11 contains is not really that much, except for some of the UI changes, the company still wants this spectacle to end as soon as possible.

Microsoft has just confirmed the existence of Windows 11

Through the DMCA complaint that Microsoft has registered against the web publications that leaked the new OS information, the company inadvertently confirmed that Windows 11 is actually on its way. This could confuse some of the users that were banking on the operating system to have a different name, after Microsoft said that Windows 10 will actually be the last version of the Windows OS series. Or maybe Microsoft is just calling it Windows 11 now, so it can later reveal the new operating system name during one their own hosted events. Recent rumors suggested that the tech company could actually name the new OS Sun Valley, as the massive visual overhaul update that they promised the public not that long ago. In the end, whatever Microsoft decides to name the new software is quite a bit redundant, as long as we all know that the project is well on its way to our PCs. As you remember, the tech giant is going to host a massive reveal event on the 24th of June, in which many believe that we will actually get all the information we need about the future of the Microsoft OS family. Do you think the new operating system will be called Windows 11 or Sun Valley? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below.

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