Quick look at recently added Office 365 features

The first new feature on Office 365 is the Evernote to OneNote migration tool. With Evernote requiring paid membership for some of its features, many users are choosing OneNote as a free alternative. Switching from Evernote to OneNote isn’t always simple, though, but now you can easily transfer notes from Evernote to OneNote using the aforementioned tool — and even search the handwritten notes contained within added images. Another improved tool is the PowerPoint Designer. This tool now has the ability to show you design recommendations for multiple images you insert into a PowerPoint slide. If you have a hard time picking colors for your theme, the newly added Color Extractor feature can scan added images and apply the predominant color to the overall theme for you. In addition, the Face Recognition feature is designed to recognize images with faces in them and cropping them while keeping the faces in focus. Office 365 Project Portfolio Dashboard is another newly added tool aimed at project managers. Using the Project Portfolio Dashboard, project managers can keep track of project performance, costs, key milestones, and potential issues from any device. Recent, Skype for Business update brought it to 17 additional countries, raising the number of supported countries to 32. Microsoft is showing no plans of slowing down and we expect to see Skype for Business available in additional countries later this year. Localization is the key to making the Office experience more comfortable, with Microsoft adding support for new languages in Office for Mac and Skype Translator. Arabic and Hebrew have joined the list of supported languages for Skype Translator, increasing the number of supported written languages to 50. Judging by the number of new features Microsoft added in this short time period, we can say Microsoft is completely devoted to developing Office 365. These are some excellent features and we’re positive we’ll see more Office 365 improvements in near future.

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