Microsoft announced that recent problems Outlook has been dealing with have compromised some of these emails and they are on top of the situation.

Empty emails due to issues with Outlook

Many users and corporations have found out that the software has a problem when they came across empty emails and missing information from messages that they previously sent. This issue affected desktop and 365 users at the same time. Lots of IT administrators already confirmed rolling back the recent update that was downloaded for Outlook, in order to get rid of this headache. This proved to be an effective method of countering the problem until Microsoft takes action. — Ben Jackson (@BJacksonWrites) May 11, 2021 Here is what users had to say about this hiccup on Twitter: However, Outlook Web Access (OWA). as well as access through phone-based client were not affected by this system bug.

Microsoft’s response to the issue was fast

Microsoft also tweeted about the current threat within Outlook and assured everyone that they are working on fixing it. The good news is that Microsoft declared that they have identified the root cause and are working on a fix patch that will be available for all users, within a few hours. They also have some recommendations for us while we wait for this update. Keeping all threats in check is, as it sounds, a daunting task even for the biggest tech companies out there. All we can do is keep searching for the best way to do our jobs properly and keeping our sensitive data protected, at the same time. Tell us if you encountered issues while sending and receiving emails through Microsoft Outlook, in the comments section below.

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