Read Also: Users Start Asking for a Windows 8 Wattpad App Nadella remains true to his focus on mobile and cloud, as the new namings also reflect that. Natya Nadella’s first management shakeups include the following changes, along with excerpts from his email:

Scott Guthrie has been promoted to head of the cloud and enterprise group, a $20 billion division where Nadella himself was the leader before replacing Steve Ballmer as CEO

Former Nokia boss Stephen Elop will officialy join Microsoft as executive vice president of the devices group after Microsoft closes its $7.2 billion acquisition of Nokia. Elop will also play an important role in developing the Xbox platforms

Phil Spencer will now lead the Xbox operation, combining the Xbox and Xbox Live development teams with the Microsoft Studios team and reporting to operating systems group chief Terry Myerson.

It’s quite a shakeup, as we can see that important divisions have been refreshed with new namings. This is part of Nadella’s vision of a “unique Microsoft”, so let’s see if the new boss manages to make Microsoft cool again and not a place where you need to take antidepressants. Read Also: How to Keep Using Windows XP after 2014

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