Windows phone fans advised to switch to another OS

Belfiore advised Windows phone fans to switch from Windows 10 Mobile to another operating system. He also shared another piece of sad news for hardcore Windows 10 Mobile fans in that Microsoft is only supporting Windows 10 Mobile for businesses that still those deploy devices to their employees. This news emerged from his tweets on social media. Belfiore admitted that he switched from Microsoft’s mobile platform because of something we have all been aware of: a lack of hardware and apps. Windows 10 Mobile is in maintenance mode Belfiore also revealed that Windows 10 Mobile is now in maintenance mode and the company is focusing on bug fixes and security updates. New features or hardware are not crucial for the moment. Yes, it’s official: Windows 10 Mobile is dead. Lack of users and app developers for Windows 10 Mobile Belfiore also talked about the efforts Microsoft has been engaging in to bring more app developers to the platform. These efforts, unfortunately, haven’t seemed to pay off. All in all, there are not enough users for on the platform to make it worth it for Microsoft. Microsoft recommends user to switch to iOS and Android Belfiore says that Microsoft is okay with its users being on various ecosystems and while Microsoft is not saying that the platform is officially dead and buried, its statements thus far don’t seem to be far from this. RELATED STORIES TO CHECK OUT:

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